


N.C. 911板 voted last week to clarify legislation from last year that granted an extension to the 2014年法定要求 911呼叫中心, 也称为公共安全应答点(psap), 在7月1日前有后备能力吗, 2016.

Hb 512/ s.L. 修订/澄清后备PSAP要求 stated that a primary PSAP must make only "substantial progress" toward implementation of a back-up plan by the July deadline. Having a back-up in place will require that a means for taking 911 calls in the event that they cannot be received and processed in the primary PSAP.

Since the 2015 legislation did not define "substantial progress" and the board's distribution of funding to PSAPs depends on whether such progress has been made, 董事会采取行动,对该术语作出如下定义:

“Substantial progress for an extension be defined as a backup plan has been submitted for approval to the NC 911板 and a timeline for completion of the backup plan accompanies the request for an extension by July 1, 2016.”

的 board's staff noted that a certified letter explaining the back-up requirement and deadline had been sent to the many PSAPs that have not yet submitted a plan. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯

周二,联合国.C. 水资源司 发布 2016年该州受损水域清单草案(“303(d)清单”). 的 303(d) list is named after Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act, 它要求各州评估其河流的健康状况, rivers and other bodies of water every two years and list those that do not meet water quality standards. 一旦上市, impaired waters most often become subject to water pollution restrictions for the affected watershed, 通常以a的形式出现 总最大日负荷(TMDL) 限制. 地方政府, 作为污水和雨水排放许可证的持有人, bear responsibility for reducing their discharges to these waters under a TMDL, 通常是昂贵的需求. With the release of the draft list, the state is now seeking public comment. 对303(d)清单草案的意见必须由  2016年3月29日至 2016年draft303d@lists.ncmail.网. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯
的 state Supreme Court will head west to hear arguments in the lawsuit over who should control the Asheville water system. 的 court announced this week that it will meet May 17 in the historic Burke County Courthouse in Morganton to hear the case. 最高法院通常在罗利开庭, but legislation passed last year gave the court permission to meet in Morganton and Edenton twice a year, 在过去的几个世纪里,法院曾在这里召开过会议. 的 City of Asheville's lawsuit -- supported in amicus curiae briefs filed by the League -- challenges legislation passed by the General Assembly in 2013 transferring the water system to a regional authority. 一位高等法院法官裁定该法违宪, 但州上诉法院的一个小组推翻了这一决定. 该市目前正在向该州高等法院提起上诉. 阅读之前的联赛报道 在这里以及媒体对预定听证会的报道 在这里.
周一加入365足彩下载和杜克能源, March 21 from 10:30 am to 12 pm for a webinar to discuss issues surrounding municipal street lighting (注册在这里). 的 webinar will focus on the modernization of street lighting, including LED lighting. 它是365足彩下载之后开始的讨论的继续, in 2013, intervened in the Duke Energy Carolinas rate case before the North Carolina Utilities Commission. 的 webinar will be an opportunity for Duke Energy to help customers understand the latest developments in the modernization technology,  allow Duke Energy to better understand their municipal customers' future needs, and 为杜克能源未来的照明平台提供见解. 请 注册 到3月16日. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯.
Officials from cities and towns interested in applying for funding through several programs operated by the state Division of Water Infrastructure can attend five separate training session being held in the month of March. 这些课程的目的是在申请过程中提供帮助, and the division staff strongly encourages those towns and cities that are considering applying to send a representative to one of the sessions. 四个项目中有三个是新项目. 这些项目是清洁水州循环基金, 国家项目补助, 资产清查及评估补助金, 以及合并/合并补助金. 会议将于3月17日在穆尔斯维尔举行, 3月18日在瓦尔德斯, 3月28日在华盛顿, 3月30日在费耶特维尔3月31日在罗利. 座位有限,您必须在3月11日之前注册才能参加. 联系珍妮花 Haynie 珍妮花.haynie@ncdenr.政府 获取更多信息或回复. You can also find more information about the application process for the division's funding programs 在这里
Wilmington officials say they are seeing rising interest in historic building renovation in the wake of the reinstatement of a state historic tax credit. George Edwards of the Historic Wilmington Foundation told the Wilmington Star-News that his office is receiving four to five calls a week. State officials, meanwhile, say it is too early to judge the effects of the tax credit. N.C. Commerce officials have also recently said that three separate TV and film productions will be coming to the state thanks to expanded film grants approved by legislators. A remake of the film "Dirty Dancing" will be filmed in Buncombe and Jackson counties; an independent film called "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri" also will be filmed in those counties; and a TV series called "Shots Fired" will be made in the Charlotte area. 阅读更多关于历史性税收抵免的新闻 在这里,以及更多关于电影拨款的信息 在这里.
Leachate collected from the bottom of pits w在这里 coal ash is being dumped in Chatham County is being treated at a Sanford wastewater treatment plant without incident, 费耶特维尔观察家报报道. Sanford officials say five to 15 trucks a day are bringing as much as 6,每个工厂有1000加仑, and that the liquid from the coal ash is going through the entire treatment process while remaining in compliance with its discharge permits. 的 treatment of the collected liquid has been occurring for the last three months. 的 leachate and its treatment are the result of the Duke Energy's initial efforts to clean up coal ash ponds at 14 power plant sites around the state. 阅读更多关于治疗和清理的信息 在这里.
的 contest to elect someone to the newly crafted 13th Congressional District could turn into a crowded battle between state legislators. 代表. 格林斯博罗的约翰·布斯特 最近有消息说他将竞选这个席位吗. 森. 来自Mocksville的Andrew Brock 已经宣布了,并且 代表. 格林斯博罗的Jon Hardister 他说他正在考虑谋求这个职位. 这周, 代表. 高点的塞西尔·布罗克曼 说他在考虑参选. 初选目前定于6月7日举行, 但最新的地区仍然是法庭挑战的对象.